Robertson State School is proud to have an active band, choir and strings program with over 200 children participating each week. We currently have two bands, three string groups and two choirs.
All band and string players participate in a weekly 30 minute group lesson and also a 45 to 60 minute ensemble rehearsal. The ensemble is an essential part of each students learning process, as it’s the place to practice new skills learnt in lessons and develop excellent aural/listening skills.
Music groups regularly perform on assembly, participate in competitions and festivals and perform in the local community. Each Monday at our school assembly, an ensemble or soloist leads the school in the Australian National Anthem. We have major whole school music performances in June and November each year, along with other smaller events.
Grainger Band is for beginners in Year 4
Hultgren Band is for intermediate players in Years 5 and 6
Corelli Strings is for intermediate players in Year 4
Vivaldi Strings is for intermediate players in Years 5 and 6
Paganini Strings is for advanced players in Years 5 and 6
Mini Mozarts is for beginner players in Year 3 and only performs at selected school events. The Mini Mozarts do not currently have a regular rehearsal time.
Poco Voci, our Junior Choir, is for any child in Years 2 and 3
Cantabile Choir, our Senior Choir, is for any child in Years 4 to 6
Entry into the band program is in Year 4, with testing and selection happening at the end of Year 3.
Entry into the strings program is in Year 3, with testing and selection happening at the end of Year 2.
Places in the instrumental program are in high demand so once accepted, children are expected to commit till the end of primary school.
Children new to the school may audition and join one of our school ensembles, subject to places being available. Rehearsals are either before school or at lunch time.