Robertson State School has an active and dedicated group of parents who form the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). They work tirelessly to help raise funds to help the children and staff in the classrooms and greater school environment.
The P&C meet monthly, and run evening meetings on every second Tuesday of most months at 6.30pm except during school holidays. Please check the school calendar for meeting times.
The P&C run both the uniform shop and the tuckshop as a service to the school.
For the P&C to function effectively, they rely on volunteers to work in the tuckshop and at special events. We are always looking for new volunteers. Your children love to see you "working" at school so if you are interested in helping out or would like more information, please contact the P&C via email on
The P&C run a few events throughout the year in which our biggest fundraiser is the Spring Fest.
Spring Fest
The P&C run this wonderful fete/festival style event which is FREE entry and then there are many food options, games to play and rides to go on all of which are a small fee. We welcome families from the whole community so please come and join us when we hold this event, usually in Spring each year.
Spring Fest will be held on Thursday afternoon and evening of 4 September 2025.
This is ahead of the Student Free day on the Friday 5 September.
Time: 3.00pm to 8.00pm
Where: Roberston State School Oval
Annual Networking Business Breakfast
The P&C in conjunction with the schools Marketing and Communications Manager, run an annual networking breakfast which is FREE to attend for all local and nearby businesses.
Since it's inception in 2016, some of the guest speakers have included Lord Mayors Graham Quirk and Adrian Schrinner. Should you wish to be on the contact list for this event, please fill out the following form and we will be in touch for our next Networking Business Breakfast.
This event is usually held in late May each year and is open to all local business managers and owners.
Please fill in the form using the link below to be added to the contact list for next year's event.
Business Breakfast Contact List request