The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) run the Uniform Shop which provides all required items in regard to Robertson State School’s compulsory uniform policy as well as many optional items.
The Uniform Shop is located at the end of the Tuckshop building.
Please see below for the P&C Uniform Shop hours of operation.
There is a price list available on the along with photos of most items also listed below. The price list is also an order form and if you know correct sizing, you can fill out the form and email to the address on the bottom of the form and the order will be processed with the items then delivered to your child.
Methods of payment are EFTPOS, Cash, Cheque or Credit card. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to "RSS P&C".
We also have second-hand items for sale at very reasonable prices.
All donations of second-hand items are greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact Kathryn, the Uniform Shop Convenor at
- Monday 2.15pm to 3.45pm
- Thursday 8.15am to 9.45am
Please click on the links below to view each item.
Backpack Library Bag Chair Bag