The Special Education Program supports students whose characteristics of a disability impacts their access to the school environment and/or curriculum. We work in collaboration with classroom teachers to understand the diverse range of learning needs and provide reasonable adjustments to ensure students effectively access and participate in the classroom learning program.
Support is provided for students who have been assessed by medical professionals where it has been determined there is a disability. Specific diagnoses may include Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disability (ID) and Speech Language Impairment (SLI). Students with Hearing Impairment (HI), Vision Impairment (VI) and Physical Impairment (PI) also receive a quality education at Robertson State School. Where expertise is not available on site, we liaise with Regional specialists like Advisory Visiting Teachers, Physiotherapists or Occupational therapists.
Additional to these students, support is provided to students where data is collected through a Commonwealth process (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data – NCCD). We work collaboratively with classroom teachers to provide reasonable adjustments to enable equitable access to the classroom learning environment for all students.