State School is committed to providing all students with opportunities to
engage in their learning within and beyond the Australian Curriculum. In
delivering our curriculum, we will assess, monitor and capture student
achievement to ensure students are developing deep levels of knowledge,
processes and skills for life-long learning.
encompass high expectations for each student, respond effectively to their
current levels of achievement and cater for their range of interests,
abilities, skills and motivation.
prepare students to exit Robertson State School with a solid foundation in
knowledge, understanding, skills and values on which further learning and adult
life can be built.
Prep to Year 6 Curriculum
Robertson State School our curriculum is defined by whole school year level
curriculum plans, curriculum unit plans, term overview and assessment schedules
and individual class teacher lesson plans. These provide students with access
to all Key Learning Areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum
Year level teaching teams plan collaboratively, moderate and
reflect on student work and use class, year level and systemic data to create
learning activities based suited to needs of their students.
The differentiation of our teaching and learning programs is
a core component to ensuring our students’ academic success through the Gradual
Release Model. All students in Prep to Year 6 are also provided with the
opportunity to study the specialist subjects of Music, Chinese and Health and
Physical Education.
Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum is designed to advance all
students into successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and
active and informed citizens. The curriculum is formulated as a progression of
learning from Foundation - Year 10 that makes clear to teachers, parents,
students and others what is to be taught, and the quality of learning expected
of students as they progress through school.
The Australian Curriculum is described as a
three-dimensional curriculum that recognises the central importance of
disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding; general capabilities and
cross-curriculum priorities. Disciplinary knowledge is found in the eight
learning areas of the Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science,
Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts,
Technologies and Languages.
For further information on the Australian Curriculum, please
Source: Australian
Curriculum. Accessed from: